• You’re solving the wrong problem. Legalize all drugs, and you get better quality control, lower prices, and almost completely eliminate the cutting issue.

    No vendor cuts alcohol with fentanyl. In states where marijuana is legal, the pot you buy in dispensaries will not be cut with fentanyl. That pack of Camels you get at the store will never be cut with fentanyl.

    People who are going to do drugs are going to get them however they can; making them illegal only creates a black market and problems like you describe. Just saying “don’t do drugs” doesn’t work, like Nancy Reagan found out.

    • flicker@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      I agree entirely that we should just legalize it but my efforts haven’t changed that it’s illegal just yet so if the reader has the luxury to abstain while we continue to work on the correct answer, I implore them to do so. And if not it’s the usual advice about being careful, know your supplier, all that jazz.

      Which is the difference between “don’t do drugs” and what I said.