S"Sagres" is an adventure game set in the small city of Sagres, Portugal, historically known as the location of Prince Henry the Navigator’s navigation school. The story follows a young man named Fernando, who graduates from the navigation school and embarks on a journey to find the missing father of his friend Lucia, who vanished during a voyage.

The game is based on the Age of Discovery and revolves around maritime activities such as exploration, trading, shipbuilding, and combat. Notably, the game features a language system where characters, including the protagonist, possess specific languages they can speak. In regions where the player doesn’t understand the language, communication becomes challenging, hindering the acquisition of essential clues.

Players expand their navigation range by undertaking quests in ports, hiring crews rooted in local cultures, gathering information from local taverns, and exploring trade and ancient ruins to earn money and fame. As reputation grows, players can receive special requests from countries and other entities.

The game’s uniqueness lies in its inclusion of both maritime and inland exploration, where players may need to venture into uncharted territories, requiring supplies like “jerky” for land exploration. Discoverable elements range from ancient ruins like the Karnak stones to notable landmarks such as Hylida’s Tower in Spanish cities, offering a variety of experiences and mini-games.

The ship customization allows players to convert unused ship rooms into cargo or cargo holds, and combat employs a rock-paper-scissors-like system, offering an accessible yet engaging gameplay design.

Developed as a solo project by Ooze Games, “Sagres” emphasizes the importance of communication through its distinctive language system, where crew members’ language skills significantly impact the gameplay.

Though** currently available in Korean during its Steam Early Access phase**, Japanese language support is planned for the full release, with high-quality translation work expected from Ooze Games.

