Y’all have been tempting me with your declious looking bread. I realize a bread machine is going to make simple loafs and not the stuff that’s usually posted here, but curious on thoughts if they’re worth it?

I’m low on time and lazy. I won’t make bread if I have to whip out my KitchenAid and dough hook. Tossing some ingredients in a machine I can do though, plus it could make the dough for more complex things too if I do occasionally have the energy.

Should I do it?

  • XIIIesq@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I use mine to mix doughs and they’re ideal for resting and rising.

    I make loaves too but if you don’t want to hand mix a load of doughs or cake mixes and your house is too cold for rising then they can be more useful.

    I’ve had mine two or three years and have bought bread only a couple of times since. It’s probably still someway off from paying for itself but the bread is much tastier!

    If you buy one, I recommend one with a separate yeast dispenser.