Y’all have been tempting me with your declious looking bread. I realize a bread machine is going to make simple loafs and not the stuff that’s usually posted here, but curious on thoughts if they’re worth it?

I’m low on time and lazy. I won’t make bread if I have to whip out my KitchenAid and dough hook. Tossing some ingredients in a machine I can do though, plus it could make the dough for more complex things too if I do occasionally have the energy.

Should I do it?

  • KidnappedByKitties@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    First of all, you need to know that bread machine bread is nowhere as good as something actually kneaded.

    Secondly, bread machine bread is very similar, regardless of which of the 32 variants on the machine, it will have mostly the same structure, and mostly the same crust. People who have baked bread often enjoy the variety, bread machines won’t help with that.

    Thirdly, bread machine recipes are always bad, you will need to experiment. Even if the recipes are with products available at your local store, humidity and quality will differ enough that you’ll have to give it a few trials to get it right. Or at least find recipes for your machine from your area.

    With that behind said, they’re very convenient, and you’ll be making a lot of bread as you’ll have no excuse not to eat it fresh. Within the limitations of the machine there’s still a lot to explore as well, with different types of flour, nuts/seeds, fruit, sweetener, leavening, etc.

    • Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Thirdly, bread machine recipes are always bad, you will need to experiment. Even if the recipes are with products available at your local store, humidity and quality will differ enough that you’ll have to give it a few trials to get it right.

      Absolutely this!

      I treated it like a science experiment and it took me about 10 attempts before I found the right mix.

      Half the amount of sugar, one less cup of flour, switch up the order so the yeast eats the sugar earlier… It’s different for everyone