• @[email protected]
    03 years ago

    Soon it will only be Chrome and derivatives. Then Google will officially have control over the net. Us FOSS people will have to use Qutebrowser for everything.

    Hopefully this is just fearmongering and not soon to be reality. Although I do like Qutebrowser.

    • @[email protected]
      3 years ago

      So long as people use it, it will not die. I have used Firefox since day one as my primary browser, excluding earlier browsers like Netscape and Konquerer. If Chrome(ium) really did take over, I’d probably ditch the modern web and go full force for Lynx and no-JS sites. There’s a reddit terminal reader, I’m sure someone would make a lemmy terminal reader.

      It’s open source software, if someone really wants, they will continue developing it. Just like how someone is developing Qutebrowser.

      Icecat is a derivative of Firefox without the tracking or Mozilla nonsense, I figure if Mozilla dropped Firefox (which does seem unlikely), GNU/FSF would continue improvements to Firefox through Icecat.

      It’s a depressing situation, but people keep using Linux despite Windows being the majority. Maybe not a totally fair comparison.