Can the TNA roster go on strike? Legit asking because if that’s something they’re willing to do then they should strike while the iron is hot. Posting this to promote the idea. @SquaredCircle

#TNA #TNAWrestling #ProWrestling

    9 months ago

    As independent contractors I suspect they have no strike protection, and could be simply replaced / fired.

    Yet another reason wrestlers need a union.

    9 months ago

    Hm, i really don’t know. Canadian company operating in the US with independent contractors.

    It’s probably more likely to end up with maybe a few asking for releases or waiting until their contracts are up to leave. It’s an interesting thought though.

    9 months ago

    @ArnoldBooker I am not in any way an expert on employment law mind you, nor am I American (since TNA would fall under American employment laws due to operating out of [iirc] Tennessee) but: Possibly, but unlikely?

    I mean I cannot for the life of me imagine a reason why they couldn’t, assuming they get everybody on the roster to agree to it. Whether everybody would is the problem as if they don’t have at least a big enough portion of the roster to make it hurt then Anthem can just LOLTNA their way through it by firing them, or suing em for breach of contract, and book a bunch of new people to join the remaining roster. Given for the vast majority of pro wrestling history wrestlers who aren’t the main event big boys/girls tend to be dime-a-dozen replaceable it wouldn’t surprise me if many just go with the flow and see how things go until their contracts run out (should they not enjoy it).

    • @GeekFTW yeah, that sounds real possible. I can only imagine how intimidating organizing a strike would be so I don’t blame folks for not wanting to. Especially if you’re employed in a highly competitive industry for the third largest promotion.