Seriously, their society sounds so overtly positive in the face of a preposterously hopeless and uncaring universe, there’s no way even the codex is telling the truth.

It’s like being stuck in a malfunctioning elevator with the Adoring Fan from Oblivion, or trapped in a burning home with Ned Flanders; the overt positivity just seems like it’s projection and there is a hidden darkness element somewhere waiting to come out.

The “Greater Good” religion simply sounds too good to be true. So they should all be destroyed, and their societies wiped from existence.

Edit: it looks like many people here don’t understand the obvious hypocritical irony and sarcasm written here…

    1 year ago

    or a Genestealer Cult

    If I remember my reading they discovered the cult on one of their colony worlds. Then they developed a cure and got on with life.

    There may have been some “you will have the injection for the greater good” involved but quite frankly I’m fine with that.

      1 year ago

      I mean, getting a needle vs. turning into a Genestealer vs. a pulse carbine in the head? I’m not a fan of injections, but I would take that one!