Hi! Please make yourself at home c:
As titled - what is your preferred brew or steep method?
What do you drink the most? Hot or cold?
I drink a lot of oolong and pu-erh teas brewing gong-fu style and I have yet to try coldbrew c:
Hi! Please make yourself at home c:
As titled - what is your preferred brew or steep method?
What do you drink the most? Hot or cold?
I drink a lot of oolong and pu-erh teas brewing gong-fu style and I have yet to try coldbrew c:
Right now, I most often drink Irish Breakfast loose leaf from Adagio. Boiling hot water in a giant mug for 5 minutes. A tiny spot of half & half, no sugar.
My favorite used to be Darjeeling, but I feel that it needs a little sugar or honey and I’m trying to do less sugar.
Also lapsang suchong has become a favorite of mine lately. I went through a whole pound of it in the last 6 months or so.