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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/WlTCH on 2024-01-23 20:19:15+00:00.
I (M28) rent an apartment with 2 other people (F24)(F32). The apartment has a parking space that so far we’ve rented out to another person since none of us has a car and we use the money to pay for Internet.
Recently, M (F32) has decided to bring her car from her hometown and asked me to stop “lending” it out, somehow misrepresenting the fact that we’re renting it. I cleared up the situation and asked her to pay the same amount, but she refuses.
AITA for asking her to pay to use it, or leave it as it is, and she’s free to move out if she wishes?
I’m the only one in the lease, I have permission to sublet the other two rooms.
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