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The original was posted on /r/hometheater by /u/lullabYourMom on 2024-01-24 07:42:32+00:00.

I have a 5.2.4 setup (height is in-ceiling) with the following issue.

When I do calibration, the receiver plays sound from each individual speaker. When I select “height 1 left”, it plays sound, but “height 2 left” also plays sound, although remarkably more quietly.

However, when I select “height 2 left”, “height 1 left” stays quiet, as it should.

When I wire the “height 1 right” speaker into the “height 1 left” output, only “height 1 right” plays sound, as expected. Therefore, I don’t think it’s an issue with the receiver.

When I replace the “height 1 left” speaker entirely, the issue remains.

If this is a wiring issue, then why doesn’t it work both ways (playing sound from “height 2 left” should also play sound from “height 1 left”, no?)?

Or am I missing something?