we’re back after an absence. unfortunately my week has kicked off with a full day of completely dying from eating too much food, then my body rejecting food–this is not ideal, obviously. also my internal clock is messed up and i’m way behind on some stuff

  • frostycakes@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I’m just all sorts of wound up–my boyfriend and I are moving in together at a new place on Friday, and I’m just itching to get this process started. Moving sucks as we all know, and I swear I’m just tired of it.

    To top it off I’m having to cover for my boss at work until I leave for my move, since they pulled him to another location to help install new equipment that we were a test location for, so work is a chaotic nightmare on top of packing all my stuff up.

    Luckily I had enough PTO saved up to take off a full week to do this, so I don’t have to panic about getting it all done in one or two days like I have in the past.