From what I heard, calling it a fight can be looked down upon because when things dont go well, the person “losing” was just too weak as if it were some kind of personal failing, or that they didn’t do enough to fight it and thats why they died.
In reality its a battle between your body, the cancer, and chemo/drugs third-teaming it and crapping on both. Sometimes it’s just chance that you got cancer, that the treatment didnt work, that you died faster than the treatment could work. There’s little the individual has to say in that other than minimizing their own risk and trying to keep their body as healthy as they can
No reason to be shitting on someone who has recovered like that tho
From what I heard, calling it a fight can be looked down upon because when things dont go well, the person “losing” was just too weak as if it were some kind of personal failing, or that they didn’t do enough to fight it and thats why they died.
In reality its a battle between your body, the cancer, and chemo/drugs third-teaming it and crapping on both. Sometimes it’s just chance that you got cancer, that the treatment didnt work, that you died faster than the treatment could work. There’s little the individual has to say in that other than minimizing their own risk and trying to keep their body as healthy as they can
No reason to be shitting on someone who has recovered like that tho