US researchers have spent years studying how conspiracy theories spread. Now they are accused of helping to suppress conservative opinions.
This is apparently being led by Gym Jordan, the man who suppressed information about a close, personal pedophile.
Anything that risks putting the conspiracy theory-wielding political hucksters under the microscope or into the spotlight is being labeled as a conspiracy itself. It’s always projection with this crowd.
So, like… another conspiracy theory?
Technically, suppressing wild conspiracy theories is suppressing conservative speech these days. Which is rather sad. Not that conservative speech was based in reality before this, but now it’s just completely unhinged, anti-science clap-trap.
So is “science” on going to have politically charged social science “studies” like the Reddit version? Can’t we do better here?
You’re allowed to have your own opinion, but here is the link to the actual research, which I thought was pretty interesting!
One of the points was about how Covid-19 conspiracy theories were just rehashed talking points of old. I won’t spoil the rest
Without looking I’m going to guess it’s rehashed antisemitism. Let’s see if I’m right.
Social science is science if it follows the scientific method, which this did.
And the Easy-Bake Oven is an oven if it can cook something. Doesn’t mean it belongs in a real kitchen.
I’m sorry, did you just compare the social sciences to children’s toys?
Science isn’t just test tubes and telescopes and super colliders. I’m sorry you’re so incurious about the world that you apparently only care about the inanimate parts of it.
I know what’s wrong. They should be holding a beaker of bubbly green shit. That’s how you know science is happening.
Scientific knowledge is what happens when you apply the scientific method. It’s not just stem.
If you have any interest at all in science, you should have an interest in the accurate dissemination of science, and the ability of scientists to speak freely about their results without fear of political persecution.
I do, but if I subscribe to the science community it’s to see articles on new discoveries in physics, mathematics, astronomy, paleontology, etc., in my feed, not hot button political/cultural themed “studies”.
If you want a science news community, you’ll need to start one, ask someone else to start one, or twiddle your thumbs. Content is going where it belongs.