Alt Text (By pk2317 on AO3)

Image 1

Panel 1

(In the background we see the streets of Bonesborough out of focus. In the foreground is a restaurant sign showing the pirate Captain Salty from the Season 2 premiere episode. He has a large smile and is holding a plate with a lobster on it. The sign reads:)






Panel 2

(Walking out into the street are Vee, Luz, Amity, Boscha, Willow, Hunter, and Gus. Vee is in her basilisk form, and has a queasy expression on her face. Luz is groaning and rubbing her stomach with one hand, while Amity smiles at her sheepishly)

Luz: I’m sooo full!

Vee: I think I need to shapeshift to get through the portal.

Panel 3

(In the background, Boscha, Luz, Amity, and Vee are walking away. Gus is turned away waving at them while Luz waves back. In the foreground, Hunter is talking to Willow with an earnest expression)

Gus: Later!

Hunter: Hey, wanna go to the Night Market?

Panel 4

(Willow is looking down with a slightly embarrassed expression, one hand up behind her head)

Willow: Nah, I… I kinda want to go practice a bit.

Willow: See if I can go faster.

Panel 5

(Hunter and Gus are looking forward with confused expressions)

Willow (off-panel): Sorry, you guys have fun.

Image 2

Panel 1

(Hunter has his eyes closed and is waving his hand dismissively)

Hunter: It’s fine! Don’t worry about it.

But, Willow…

Panel 2

(Willow looks back at them uncertainly)

Panel 3

Hunter (affectionately): Don’t let Boscha get to you,

Hunter: She didn’t know what she was talking about.

Panel 4

(Willow smiles gratefully)

Hunter (off-panel): You did great!

Panel 5

Hunter (dismissively): Besides, speed isn’t everything-

Panel 6

Hunter (deadpan): Even though I kinda rely on speed but… ya know.

Panel 7

(Hunter and Gus nod proudly)

Gus: You are the backbone of this team, Captain.

We couldn’t have done it without you.

Image 3

Panel 1

Willow (appreciative): Thanks, guys.

Panel 2

(Gus and Hunter are walking away from Willow. Hunter points back with a stern look)

Hunter: Wait at least an hour after eating before exercising.

Willow (cheekily): Make me.

Panel 3

(Wide shot over Bonesborough. The sun has gone down and most of the windows have lights on)

Panel 4

(Gus and Hunter are walking down the street holding some sort of white food on a stick. They are laughing and talking to each other but there is no dialogue)

Panel 5

(Close up on Hunter’s torso in the foreground. We can see the food is several eyeballs on a skewer. In the background, behind a corner, we can see the edge of a brown cloak peeking out)

Panel 6

(Hunter and Gus turn around a corner. On the edge of the frame we can see the Mysterious Stranger looking at them)

Panel 7

(Full shot of the Mysterious Stranger. He has a determined look on his face. He looks older, with a full head of grey hair and a bushy beard and moustache. He has a brown cloak wrapped around his upper torso and shoulders. Below that we can see a yellowing shirt with several patches)

Image 4

Panel 1

(The Mysterious Stranger is running alongside a wall. He has one arm raised so his cloak is covering the lower part of his face)

Panel 2

(The stranger is resting his hand on a wall and looking at Hunter and Gus walking away in the distance. They are heading towards a wall)

Panel 3

(Closer in on Hunter and Gus as they have almost reached the wall. They are walking straight towards it head-on)

Panel 4

(Hunter and Gus are continuing and are now enmeshed walking through the wall. They do not appear bothered by this in any way)

Panel 5

(The stranger’s eyes go wide with shock)

Panel 6

(Close in on the stranger’s face. His eyes are narrowed in aggravation)

Mysterious Stranger: Freaking Illusionists.

Panel 7

(Looking back over his shoulder, we see Hunter and Gus coming up from behind the stranger. Hunter is carrying his staff and Gus has a blue spell circle drawn)

Hunter: Do you mind explaining yourself, old man?

Image 5

Panel 1

(Closer in on Hunter and Gus, with intent looks on their faces)

Hunter: Why are you following us?

Panel 2

(The stranger turns quickly and holds out a finger. A yellow spell circle is around it and a small ball of yellow energy is forming)

Panel 2

(A bolt of yellow magical energy flies through the air)

Panel 3

(The bolt passes between Hunter and Gus as they move to avoid it)

Hunter: Gus, watch out-

Panel 4

(The bolt of magic bursts in the air. Behind it a figure is falling backwards and partially translucent. They are dressed as a Coven Scout but their mask is sharper and pointier than in the show)

Scout: Ahhh!

Image 6

Panel 1

(Lying on the ground we can see the fully visible legs of the fallen scout. Standing beside him, several more figures in the same outfits are partially visible but translucent)

Scout: Ouch.

Panel 2

(Several scouts are now fully solid with a blue magical aura around them. The central one has a blue spell circle around their outstretched finger, while the scouts on either side are holding staffs)

Panel 3

(Low wide shot of the alleyway. The stranger is all the way in the back near the wall. In front of him stand Gus and Hunter, turning to look behind them. In the foreground of the panel we see just the feet of several scouts)

Hunter: The Devouts?! Why are they-

Panel 4

Mysterious Stranger (irritated): Well, you see, I was trying to protect you from them.

Panel 5

Mysterious Stranger (deadpan): …

Panel 6

(The stranger is holding out his arms in frustration)

Mysterious Stranger: You’re welcome!

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Full credit to Makmark/MoringMark. You can find him here: Tumblr | R*ddit | Instagram | Deviantart | Ko-fi

    10 months ago

    That’s some serious investigative journalism. Nice job finding all that, most of the clues totally evaded me.

    I suppose that the question now would be: how did a golden guard survive Belos, and why are Belos’ henchmen trying to murder Hunter years after Belos’ defeat? What are they trying to accomplish?

    Maybe it’s time travel related?

      10 months ago

      The hardest part was actually remembering the names of the comics so I could link to them. I ended up going to MoringMark’s TVTropes page (which, apparently exists for some reason, but it was really useful so s/o whoever’s been maintaining that) and Ctrl+F-ing a few keywords to find the right description