• Bongo_Stryker
    9 months ago

    Ok I will give my reply and then you can have the last word.

    1. You know and I know that your original post had one link, not two, and there was a space of time before you edited in the second link. Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining.

    2. I admit I did say some stuff just to get your goat and that was wrong and I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Right or wrong, the majority of my posts represent my actual thinking and only a very few comments were made just to yank your chain. Again, I apologize and I promise not to do it in the following paragraphs.

    3. This whole thing started off with a discussion about gun registry. I will give my thinking from my original point that I never really articulated in a clear and meaningful way, and leave to anyone reading to decide if I make sense or not. Agree or disagree with any of the following steps:

    Americans have the right to own firearms.

    Americans have the right to defend themselves, their families, and property with said firearms against, among other things, government tyranny. History buffs will remember that this country started with resistance to government tyranny, so it’s kind of an American tradition.These are points that I assume most conservatives will agree with. This seems logical and reasonable to me and this is my starting point. To proceed:

    This whole thing started with discussion about a gun registry. One of the arguments against a gun registry is the argument of government tyranny: if gov’t officials have a list of gun owners, then it will be easy to target people who may resist unpopular government policies, either by confiscating guns, or more likely- labeling the gun owners as “violent criminals” and either arresting or otherwise eliminating them.

    Does this sound like whackjob conspiracy thinking? I don’t think it does, but the next part is where it may get spicy for some ppl:

    If that happens, who do you suppose is going to be ‘taking away guns’ or arresting people on the gun registry list? Do you imagine it will be blue-haired lesbian democrats with masters degrees in gender studies? No, it will be police. Criticise the government in China, and who comes to take you away? Police. it will be the police. Will it be the national guard going from house to house of gun owners? Never. It will be police.

    Now if you don’t agree with that then ok, use your time more wisely than reading the rest of this, because this is where I make the connection to the African American community.

    It’s said that figures never lie but liars often figure, so I won’t talk about numbers here. I will say that it appears to me as it appears to others that black Americans are killed by police more often than other Americans. Is it liberal media bias? I don’t know, but that’s how it appears to me and to people better informed and more serious than myself.

    What isn’t in doubt is that African Americans are conspicuously overrepresented in the US prison system. Don’t try to fight me on this, it’s pretty well documented.

    Here is where it all comes together: the government tyranny that conservative voices have been warning us about is real, and it is happening to black people. It has been happening all along and it is happening now. Put aside the burning buildings and looting for just a second and think of this: Why should anybody in America have to say “hey, our lives matter!” It is because they feel they have been treated like they don’t. Conservatives have it right. I’m not trolling or trying to be funny here, this is not leading up to a gotcha moment. The people warning us about misuse of government power are not crazy conspiricy theorists, they are telling the truth. It is so blatantly out in the open that nobody who doesn’t suffer from it can see it.

    Black and indigenous people have been oppressed and persecuted during the entire existence of this nation, and still today the State sponsored oppression continues.

    Who are the main executors of this tyranny? The courts of course, but also, as in the gun registry scenario, the police. The police are an instrument of government tyranny against a minority portion of our population who can neither fight back nor escape.

    Police and police sympathisers will of course say this is crazy, this is nonsense, but they have to say that, don’t they? " Everyone has equal opportunity" they say. This is the lie of the oppressors.

    Here is the end of my last post in this thread: I am against gun registries. BIPOC communities need more guns to protect them from government tyranny, and need our help in resisting State sponsored oppression. Anyone that thinks this is ridiculous nonsense is either brainwashed by propaganda, clueless, or benefits from that oppression.

    Thank you for this opportunity to express my views. God bless America.