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The original was posted on /r/relationships by /u/Numerous-Insect-2123 on 2024-01-02 12:20:37+00:00.

I recently found my someone in a very unexpected girl,she genuinely is exactly how i wanted my girl to be and i truly truly love her but her past disturbs me sometime and im not able to get rid of it

So my current girlfriend is my guy best friends ex yeah it might sound a bit messed up but our bond just unexpectedly hit off,me and my girl were just friends as she was in a relationship with my best friend, i knew that they both were in a physical relationship too

My best friend cheated on her and it truly left her broken,he also used to treat her very badly in form of disrespect, verbal abuses and what not one day she broke down completely in front of me and started crying and told me about everything that happened,my intentions were purely to be her friend but slowly we hit off,i helped heal her scars from her past,gained her trust and we discovered that we both are exactly what we wanted from our partners for so long.

The thing that disturbs me tho is that even thought they didnt get physical very often the main break down of their relationship was the fact that he(my bestfriend) got her(my gf) pregnant by mistake (even tho they had used protection) and neither of them wanted to have a baby,at that point he abandoned her of sorts and she got the baby aborted all by herself without telling anyone, even after that they tried to make the relationship work but they fell off later

now she is an absolutely beautiful human being inside out and understands me inside out but the fact that she was pregnant with my best friend child keeps disturbing me so badly especially when im a virgin by choice,can anyone who has gone through somwwhat or a similar situation or someone who has some advice for me as to how to get over it can help me because i truly do not want to spoil this relationship with her and im genuinely considering a future with her.

how do i deal with this because it keeps eating me up inside,should i talk to her about it? even if i do im not sure how i should initiate the conversation

TLDR: My girlfriend is my guy best friends ex,he had got her pregnant,the fact keeps disturbing me even tho we both love each other deeply,need advice on how to deal with it