What is the best method to sync with android? I’ve been using the keepass2android app, but this thread got me thinking that this may not be the best method. Thanks for any help!

Also, side questions: Any feedback on KeePass vs. KeePassXC?

  • ScaNtuRd@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Well on PC, I would definitely recommend KeePassXC - it has a more modern UI and some nicer features, but standard KeePass is also fine. On Android, I personally prefer KeePassDX - I think it’s a bit more polished and less buggy than KeePass2Android.

    To sync my database between my PC and phone, I use Syncthing, which is a fantastic free and open-source software. It allows you to sync files between your devices, without using any third party servers. Also, everything is end-to-end encrypted, so it’s probably one of the most secure ways to transfer data between devices.