Starlink satellites can disturb observation even of those telescopes protected by radio-quiet zones.

    1 year ago

    Instead of 1 James Webb that was super complicated to build in part due to payload size and dimension constraints, we’re going to end up with thousands of them, even further into space,

    That thing cost 10b to make because it had to work in part also due to launch costs and risks. Launch costs go down, risks go down, cheaper and more satellites go up.

    Even better than that, starship is HUGE with its 9m diameter.

    STARSHIP will be the telescope and an array or starship could be linked together. No need to design on board fuel or other navigation systems, it’s already there. Without any fancy folding mirror mechanisms well be able to do 9meter mirrors. Webb is only 6.5m

    A single starship is going to be in the 10s of millions to make. Dirt cheap.