The first approved drug to slow the progression of the illness will come with a strong safety warning about potentially life-threatening side effects.

    1 year ago

    I was all excited until the blurb about life threatening side effects:(

    Obviously this is still a good step forward, but if it works, I wonder if they can use that knowledge to lessen the risk of death…

  • oneofthemladygoats
    1 year ago

    I’m extremely curious, and would love to read the research on this. The amyloid scandal last year finally forced the field of AD research to confront how weak this hypothesis is (we all exhibit plaques and tangles in aging, it’s not unique to AD), however this medication seems to target that exact mechanism. Especially with the incidences of brain swelling and bleeds being relatively high in the treatment group, it’s a questionable approach.

    People have sunk their entire careers into beta amyloid research, and so many labs sadly seem to be fighting for this as the status quo instead of being willing to admit they’re engaging in a sunken cost fallacy.