I had a company give me an NDA that essentially said I couldn’t work anywhere on the east coast after I quit because the had clients all over and there was a radius around each where I wasn’t allowed to work (I was young and desperate for a job so I didn’t pay enough attention to what I had signed). After I got a new job the old place came knocking. The new company’s lawyer laughed the old company out of the room when they presented it.
NCAs are “slavery but with more steps” territory. You can’t quit because we own your degree now.
I had a company give me an NDA that essentially said I couldn’t work anywhere on the east coast after I quit because the had clients all over and there was a radius around each where I wasn’t allowed to work (I was young and desperate for a job so I didn’t pay enough attention to what I had signed). After I got a new job the old place came knocking. The new company’s lawyer laughed the old company out of the room when they presented it.
We need more doctrine based on argumentum ad fuuuck offff.