I’m not sure where else to vent. I don’t want to seem like I’m playing the victim as everyone else in this community is having the same executive functioning issues I’m having and I don’t mean to distract from those things but having to navigate these issues while being constantly reminded of my race is exhausting.

I can handle the stares from my coworkers when I head to work. I know why they’re staring. I know what Black men are stereotyped as and a black dude repairing laptops in a small repair shop located in a small town is a rare sight but im used to the stares.

I can handle it when people spot me walking on the sidewalk and immediately veer straight to the road to avoid having to walk in my direction. It’s funny at times that people will prioritize not having to walk next to a Black man over their own safety but this is fine in a sad way. Everyone does this. White, east asian, south asian. It doesn’t matter.

What is stressful is having people hypermonitor me. I can’t enter grocery stores anymore because loss prevention will always try to follow me everywhere. I’ve filed complaints but management doesnt care. They’re wasting resources having people follow me around looking to see if i might steal but it doesnt matter. I start stimming a lot when people watch me and this makes people even more suspicious of my intentions. It’s immediately obvious to most people that I’m autistic after I start doing this, but they simply don’t care.

I’m also almost always lost. I have a terrible sense of direction. This constant confusion I have as to where I’m going is misinterpreted as me scheming or casing an area. I ask people around where is x and they either don’t respond or nervously laugh and say they don’t know.

It seems to me that the only times I’m noticed are when someone is trying to ascertain whether im a threat or not. I’m not human to most people.

I’ve almost been involved in fights back in high school because I get nonverbal and struggle to maintain eye contact as soon as people confront me. I’m small but I have a bigger frame so most people don’t mess with me.

It’s bad enough that I have both ADHD and Autism but being Black amplifies the disadvantages these disorders have to my social life to an almost unmanageable degree. I’m tired of having to navigate all of this. Even after paying for an expensive psychoeducational assessment my family still thinks I’m not autistic because I speak “like a white man”. Even after I mustered up the courage to go to toastmasters, the head of that specific group asked me so many questions as to why i joined and concluded his barrage of questions with “your one of the good ones”. Noone stepped in. They all silently supported what he was doing because I’m Black and “what could his intentions be?” Noone stepped in when I was called a racial slur for failing to troubleshoot a customer’s complaint. My boss just made a snide remark and said “these things happen, try not to let it get to you”.

The one romantic partner I had disclosed to me that her parents absolutely hated Black people. We liked the same things, I cooked her food from her culture and even learned enough of the language to follow a conversation. None of it mattered. If her parents hated just neurodivergent people I’d be okay with that but there was never any chance that we’d be anything more than gf/bf. My life is pathetic.

I can mask well enough and I’ve mitigated the effects of ADHD with adderall. But I will always be Black. I get annoyed when people just tell me to toughen up or “it’ll get better” or “it’s the anxiety talking”. None of these things are true. Noone will say it but if you had a choice as to what race you could be and you knew the implications it would have wrt your social life, noone would choose to be Black. Even Africans in Africa have an inferiority complex and my own mother laments the fact that my skin isn’t nearly as light as her. What the fuck?

I don’t know if I’m forming a coherent post anymore. This is the first time I’m trying weed and instead of calming me down I’ve just been in a bad state of mind. I’ve gotten nothing productive done today but I’m tired of playing at such a severe disadvantage. At the very least let me not have autism and adhd so im not called retarded by the people I thought were my friends. I hate being here and I hate being me

  • donuts@kbin.social
    10 months ago

    I’m sad and sorry that you’re having such a rough time. You paint a really clear and awful picture about how social stereotypes about autism and racism interact.

    I’m a white guy, so I haven’t walked in your shoes and frankly I’m the last person anyone wants to hear talk about race, but…

    For what little that it’s worth though, don’t lose hope or give up on yourself. You said that your life is pathetic but I don’t think so. From the sound of things you’re just doing your thing, working, buying groceries, trying to make friends and a girlfriend, trying to help yourself through a world that’s harsh to all of us. (Though not equally.)

    From reading your story It seems like most of the negative feelings you have for yourself right now are because of how other people perceive you, based almost exclusively on prejudice. They don’t know you for you, so they just mentally revert back to the worst small town America racist Fox News tropes that have been hammered into their small minds for decades. I don’t know how to combat that. I wish I did.

    I do know that it’s not on you, however. None of that is your fault, so why go beating yourself up over it? You’re having a bad time right now and that’s ok, we all do, and it sounds like you’re dealing with a lot of ignorance and hurtful bullshit. (You should be a bit stoned, giggling at cartoons or being blown away by a song you’ve heard 1000 times before, while eating seemingly endless junk food. But you’re just in a bad headspace and I can see why.) Go ahead and process your negative feelings, but I don’t think you should hate yourself or treat yourself like an enemy just because some other ignorant assholes out there are treating you that way.

    I wish you the best, man. Stay strong. Thanks for sharing your story.