You can get a daily SBB/CFF train ticket for cheap by asking your city. Moreover there is a minimal distance you must commute by train every day to make the General subscription (GA or AG) a better deal than buying a half card ticket.
Shops close early in most places and we do not have 24/7 options.
Each canton has its own autonomy which means for instance the education system and other cantonal laws can differ from one canton to another.
You pay different tax % for the same income depending on the canton and the city in which you live.
You can go from a region speaking one language to a another quite quickly. This is why English is most of the time very useful since we have 4 official languages. Rostigraben is the name we give to this concept. has a lot of information about most of the questions one can have on administrative matters.
Wallis is objectively the best canton. (This a joke don’t kill me 😂)
Wow great summary, thank you.
Bonus: if you know in advance, that your going to take a certain train, SBB also offers savings tickets.
In Zurich on the weekend the 9 o’clock pass is valid all day (oposed to weekdays from 9 o’clock)
Not on night trains though, iirc.
The ticket is not 24h, but until the last regular train which is about 5 am.
But don’t you have to pay a Nachtzuschlag for trains like the SN3? Or was that abolished?
In Zürich, you don’t need a “Nachtzuschlag” anymore, but i’m sure, there are exceptions. General rule of thumb - their gone.
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