Well, had my content curated on Reddit and despised the recommendation stuff on the official app (that I never used lul). But now that I’m on a new platform, I want to have recommendations lol. The Random stuff on the sidebar’s pretty neat, could’ve sworn Reddit has similar like 10 years ago.


  • Exilfranke@feddit.de
    1 year ago

    People expect to switch platforms and immediately have the same experience there is mind-blowing.

    We all spent 10ish years (!) tailoring our experience on Reddit. It’s no surprise that you can’t replicate all of that within 2 weeks.

    • Caboose20
      1 year ago

      I know it feels weird but as you said, some of us spent a lot of time curating that experience so it provided things that were of interest. Redoing it all seems daunting.

      I run into the same issue with Spotify, I listen to music so in frequently that it never properly learns my tastes and it’s recommendations are terrible because of it, so I never use it.

      With Lemmy, I am trying to engage more so hopefully I can find other groups a like to replace some of the places I miss from Reddit.

  • hoshikarakitaridia@lemmy.fmhy.ml
    1 year ago

    I feel you, it’s a bit chaotic in here for now.

    That said, Lemmy is open source and that means if you really want something to change you can literally write the code yourself and make a pull request, and because we don’t have to appeal to anyone except the users, all options are on the table.