After a rough few years, E3 has been killed off for good.

  • smoothbrain coldtakes
    10 months ago

    I never really got the point of these conferences. Initially before gaming became as big as it has, it was originally a circlejerk for company executives to hash out deals on supply for video games. In Canada, for example, you dealt with a guy who had access to Sony or Nintendo’s stuff by proxy as compared to dealing with the publishers individually.

    Back in the early aughts it still took some convincing for buyers to put certain games on the shelf. It was a bit of a gamble and E3 was a way to market the games to try to take up shelf space. As time went on and the digital marketplace evolved and matured, it became more of a social circlejerk - but the thing is, it stopped being necessary. There’s no competition in the digital marketplace for visibility or stock limits.