Yesterday penguinz0 made a video about the current state of modern blockbusters and its something I think would be interesting to discuss here. In my opinion it would be for the best if the MCU was put out to pasture and the Disney monopoly was broken up.

It seems like more and more blockbusters have the sane tone, the same style and the same direction. Its like they are written and directed by the same handful of people. The Flash, Indiana Jones 5, and Ant Man 5 all felt like they had the same writers and directors. I place a lot of the blame for this on Disney. Ever since Disney Plus launched everything marvel put out has been so paint by numbers.

What do you all think. Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

    2 years ago

    It’s not for me. It hasn’t been for a long time. I can’t say it’s all bad, plenty of movies are objectively good I just have no interest in them.

    Yeah everything is safe and formulaic because it makes the most money. Video games have moved in a similar direction, it’s just a different time now. I completely ignore most media these days and I look for the diamonds here and there