Hey guys and gals!

I was wondering how you feel about - and deal with - really dark tv shows? I’m talking about dark in the context of light emitted, not feelings ;-)

I’m watching See, and while I do appreciate blind people not having a lot of lights turned on at all times, I’m finding it almost unbearable to watch because of how dark it is at times.

I’m having to bump my TV settings up - which is kind of a hassle as I had it really nicely calibrated (damn I love oled by the way) - just to have to turn it back down (and hope to remember those settings) not to get blinded when I watch anything remotely normally illuminated.

I remember this being a topic in the last seasons (or season) of Game of Thrones too - but back then I had an old TV with bad contrast anyway, so I wasn’t hit that hard by it.

How do you feel about too dark tv shows and movies? And how do you deal with it?

  • leftabitcharlie@lemmy.film
    1 year ago

    I play with gamma and contrast settings on my device or the contrast and brightness in mphc, or the gamma settings on madVR. I really don’t like leaving settings on auto, but I try to keep it as dark as possible with some detail visible in the shadows, and make sure the bright scenes don’t clip the highlights. Sometimes its a back and forth from scene to scene.