Hey so question for you all. Just started playing a Druid in D4, I hit 27 last night playing a storm wolf sort of build and I’m having quite a hard time even on Tier 1 keeping my Spirit up. Any suggestions? Or is it just something Druid struggles with early on?

  • tunetardis
    1 year ago

    I think it’s hard to play a melee build that uses heavy spirit-draining elemental moves? At least until your chr matures and you can max out your spirit gen.

    I’m somewhere in the 40s atm with my druid. My early build was a straight-up shred wolf and that worked ok. But then for some reason I got several legendary drops that boost earth moves so I slid into more of an earth build. The basic move for earth is ranged, so you can kite a bit until you’re ready with your power moves.