I haven’t been for a couple weeks. In that time, an older couple moved in. They have some peculiar ideas. The EQP and another older member already have a penchant for sharing deep doctrine. Today, the EQP and new guy chased each other down a couple rabbit holes (Jewish tradition and whether or not the elements have a spirit and intelligence) and it’s all literal with these people. There was some grumbling in the back row that “I don’t come to church for this stuff.” So the long-time ward member pipes up, says that “none of this has any bearing on our salvation,” and walks out.

The drama made it more interesting than usual. But I’m losing patience with the holier-than-thou know-it-alls. I’ll attend Sunday School to spend time with the wife, but I’m done with Elders Quorum.

I’m interested to see how Sunday School goes with this new couple attending. My wife might just lose patience, too. Here’s hoping.

    • investorsexchangeOP
      11 months ago

      Rocks, water, etc, all have a spirit and intelligence because they obey God. That’s how Jesus was able to command the elements, calm the waves, walk on water. Man is the only creation that doesn’t obey God. This is what they said, but it sounded like it was from the Pearl of Great Price or the teachings of Joseph Smith.