#DnD DMs of the #Fediverse: Have you ever made a PC race illegal?


I am feeling inspired by #mcdm_productions worldbuilding where all Dragonborn have a bounty on their heads, which was set by the current king. I would like to do something similar in mine with Orcs, but I’m not sure how to handle that lore-wise.

  • bionicjoey
    10 months ago

    You should probably clarify that what you’re talking about here is races being “illegal” within the setting (that’s what MCDM does with dragonborn). Players are still allowed to pick the race, but they are signing up for extra hardship, kinda like the Nosferatu in V:TM.

    As for my answer: I don’t make any races outright illegal in the setting, but I do ban certain ones from being chosen by the players if that race doesn’t exist in my setting. I do have NPCs treat PCs differently based on their race, but typically only using obvious fantasy tropes, so that people know what they’re signing up for.