• ThrowawayOPM
        12 months ago

        I guess the disclaimer would be “unpopular on lemmy”

      • @ImplyingImplications
        12 months ago

        More Americans vote Democrat than Republican. The parties are split, the amount of people they represent are not. 11,000,000 Californians wanting something and 200,000 Wyomingites disagreeing is not as even a split as the US Congress would imply it is.

        • NeuromancerM
          12 months ago

          Actually, in most cases, it is the same. That is how our government works. Each state has two senators. That’s it. It’s to make sure the 200,000 people in Wyoming are heard.

          It’s why we have the electoral college. To make sure every state has a voice.

          • @ImplyingImplications
            12 months ago

            People have opinions, not states. Senators represent people, not states. A senator representing 10,000,000 people and a senator representating 2,000,000 people may have equal power, but that doesn’t mean their opinions are equally popular. I understand that what is popular in one state might not be popular in another. It’s fine to say an opinion is popular in Wyoming, but if it’s not popular in California then it’s an unpopular opinion, not an even split. Only in America would someone say 11,000,000 vs 200,000 is an even split.

            • NeuromancerM
              12 months ago

              As a country we are fairly split along republican and democrats.

              Not sure why you keep babbling about California. The states is going bankrupt, people are fleeing the state like crazy and nobody cares what they think. They created their problem by voting democrat.