From the article: “In particular, five fundamental attributes of social media have harmed society. AI also has those attributes. Note that they are not intrinsically evil. They are all double-edged swords, with the potential to do either good or ill. The danger comes from who wields the sword, and in what direction it is swung. This has been true for social media, and it will similarly hold true for AI. In both cases, the solution lies in limits on the technology’s use.”

  • wise_pancake
    7 months ago

    We have two ethics systems:

    The first we apply to healthcare and government, and it’s best sunned up by Micheal Scott “Don’t ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what. No matter… where. Or who, or who you are with, or, or where you are going, or… or where you’ve been… ever. For any reason, whatsoever.”,

    The second is applied to private industry, and it’s best summed up by “innocent, until proven guilty”.

    And that’s why we let private industry roll along with whatever they want, until we can definitively prove harm, but society found it unreasonable to ask people to vaccinate because there was a minute chance of rare side effects less bad than the disease it was for.