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The original was posted on /r/cybersecurity by /u/TheNoFlyList on 2024-01-08 21:31:10+00:00.

I’m currently interested in 3 cybersecurity courses offered on Coursera. I know YouTube is free, among the multitude of other available resources online, but as someone who has taken Coursera courses in the past, I thoroughly enjoy them and benefit from the pacing of the courses. I’m aiming to take my Security+ exam later this year, but I want to take one of these 3 courses first:

Microsoft Cybersecurity Analyst Professional Certificate ()

Google Cybersecurity Professional Certificate ()

IBM Cybersecurity Analyst Professional Certificate ()

Between the 3, which is the best one to take?

  • moormaan
    4 months ago

    Have you already taken some of these courses? Would you recommend any of them?