• BenVimes
    4 months ago

    No posts here? I’ll be first.

    I tried the demo for a few hours last night and liked a lot of what I saw. I’m a fan of Ogre Battle, and it’s nice to see that Atlus can at least use that series’ DNA for something, even if they won’t (or can’t) put out another official game.

    My biggest issue is that some of the screens feel too information dense. I had to sit a metre closer to my TV in order to read some of the menus and stat pages.

    The story also looks like it’s going to be very generic and predictable. That’s not uncommon, but it is disappointing every time it happens.

    There’s a few other minor issues, like the lack of a “halt” command on the tactical map, or that the mapping of the cursor to the analog stick feels a bit off in certain menus.

    I’m glad another game like this is being released. Symphony of War was my favourite game of 2022 and reminded me why I like this sort of game in the first place.

    • Tamlyn@lemmy.zipM
      4 months ago

      I’m still playing the demo so i post something later. But yes, srpg stories are all the same kind of. But i don’t get the infromation dense point, probably different depending on the size of every porson’s own screen