150 Democrats voted against the bill

  • Bongo_Stryker
    8 months ago

    I can only assume the legislation being referred to here is H.R. 2 Secure the Border Act introduced in spring of 2023. More political theatre: a way of looking like you’re doing something without actually doing anything.

    Let’s look at some of the provisions:

    1. Subject all 11 million undocumented immigrants, including people with legal status under the DACA program, to immediate deportation. Unworkable and dumb.

    2. Send unaccompanied children all alone back to their country of origin. Pretty fucking cold. I wouldn’t sign off on that, would you?

    3. Make it damn near impossible to apply for asylum even if you qualify under US law. People who call themselves conservative: hey why not reverse the laws we had since Reagan?

    4. Make DHS go back to construction on the same border wall they didn’t build back when they had congressional majorities and Donald “build that wall” Trump was president. The wall that doesn’t stop anybody with a couple 2x4s and a handfull of nails. The wall that Mexico was going to “art of the deal” pay for but didn’t pay for. Stupid.

    Objectively false my ass. There was nothing serious, practical, or workable about this dumb and blatantly useless non-solution. Get real.