I really do like KBin and Lemmy and the fediverse on the whole, but development is still young and the userbase still growing. KBin is still basically early access, and Lemmy is buggy. I spent alot of time in reddit and I’m feeling the pain of trying to ween myself from it. Just wanted to here community perspectives and see how other’s are taking it.

For me, I feel a bit of a sore hollow spot for what reddit used to be and watching it implode is not fun for me.

  • bionicjoey
    1 year ago

    Reddit and RiF were always sort of a fixed point of stability in my life. Regardless of whatever else was going on, I could always pop open RiF and browse Reddit. It definitely feels like there’s a hole. But every day since I first signed up for Lemmy a month ago there have been more and more users and it’s started feeling more and more like it fills that hole.