Hey folks - Gonna sticky this thread as a “things to do on Canada Day” megathread.

City of Vic has celebrations down at the Leg: https://www.canadadayvictoria.ca/schedule-map

Langford has celebrations happening at Starlight Stadium: https://langford.ca/canada-day/

Other things happening around Greater Victoria: https://www.vicnews.com/community/canada-day-2023-whats-happening-in-greater-victoria/

If you know of anything else that’s going on around the city or what plans you’ve got, please share!

  • ThatBikeGuy
    2 years ago

    is anyone going on the hurricane ridge ride? it hasn’t run since covid so I don’t even know if it’s still a thing, but in its day it was glorious with hundreds of cyclists invading the USA on Canada Day.

    I’m going to make a try for it, been laid up for 2 months post shoulder surgery so not sure I’m going to make it, but I’m going to try.