tl;dr: something with the murderbot / hexarchate / locked-tomb kind of vibe

I’m after something sweet but astringent to bite down on; this is the general tone I’m almost always looking for, and I’ve mined out most of the obvious seams of the stuff.

I don’t mind whether it’s fantasy or SF, I just want a chunk of emotional intelligence mixed with harsh conflict - with a modern, progressive take if possible.

LGBTQ-themed stuff tends to be good at this in my experience, but I’m not fussed either way. I’m not after romance/smut for its own sake, but it’s fine as part of a bigger picture.


  • Bo7a
    1 year ago

    This probably doesn’t actually match your needs because it’s not told in a very modern or progressive way. But The Stainless Steel Rat series is my go-to for cozy, and stabby.