“We are very pleased to announce that the PinePhone will ship with Plasma Mobile on a Manjaro ARM base from this point on. We have a long-standing relationship with Manjaro and KDE Community, and both projects have supported us and our efforts since the dawn of PINE64,” writes Pine64’s Lukasz Erecinski in a February update.

This is good news as it means there is a single distro that will at least be standardised on and receive all the attention needed to ensure stability and compatibility. I use Manjaro myself on my desktop computer, and I’ve favoured KDE for a long time too. KDE Connect will bring some good integration between mobile and desktop too.

See https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/02/pinephone-picks-manjaro-with-plasma-mobile-as-default-os

#technology #opensource #mobile #linux #manjaro

  • @[email protected]
    03 years ago

    I thought that Plasma use more resources than other desktop environments like Gnome or XFCE. Is this true?

    • poVoqOP
      3 years ago

      That isn’t true any more (since quite some years actually). KDE and XFCE are about the same, Gnome3 is probably worst in that regard. But is this anyways about Plasma Mobile, which is especially optimized to run on mobile devices.