• Bongo_Stryker
    1 year ago

    “Start making it less desirable to sneak into the US and people will stop sneaking into the U.S.”

    This seems like 100% sensible thinking.

    Unfortunately it may be easier said than done. In El Salvador for example, US intervention during the 60’s to stop workers from getting rights, and preventing a minimum wage from being set, came in the form of paramilitary groups that became death squads that would murder anyone critical of the government. Things got more violent and dangerous throughout the 70’s, and in the 80’s there was a revolution, and the US responded by pouring in more guns and bombs so the repressive government could kill even more people.

    El Salvador, once widely considered the murder capital of the world, has been pretty fubar ever since. So imagine someone willing to risk their life and walk 3000 miles for a chance at a better life. They might not be deterred very easily.