As a lot of you guys know by now, I struggle writing rules. I’m looking to get feedback on some rules written by a helpful user, that I really think should be implemented because they are clear and actually show the intent I have.

  1. No Racism, No Bigotry, No Slurs, All that good stuff, follow’s rules.

  2. We are a Pro-Conservative forum. Posts must have a clear pro-conservative, anti centrist or anti left-wing bias. We are interested in promoting conservatism and pointing out the failures of our ideological interlocutors. All sources are acceptable, however reputable sources with a reputation for factual reporting are preferred.

  3. Be Civil. Dissent is allowed in the comments, but try to be constructive; if you do not agree, then provide a reason which is backed up by references or a reasonable alternative interpretation of the provided facts. That means the left wing is welcome to state their opinions, but no personal attacks from either side will be tolerated.

  4. No Extremism. Calls for violence, pushing a narrative of religious, gender, sexual or racial supremacy, or any other forms of extremist rhetoric will be met with a permenant ban. Extreme statements which label an entire group are also unacceptable and may result in a temporary suspension.

  5. Be Excellent To Each Other. Remember the people you are arguing with are humans, and although you may disagree on the method, we are all looking to make a world where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is freely available to all.

What do you guys think?

  • uzi
    1 year ago

    People need need to learn that what someone believes in does not affect other’s people life. It’s only when someone can’t treat others with dignity that it becomes an issues.

    A religious person and an atheist can be great friends if they have shared hobbies and interests they can connect on, and leave faith and spirituality out of their discussions when they talk. Don’t hide it, but don’t bring it up if it’s not pertain to something.

    I dream of a society when a religious person can say to an atheist “I’m going to synagogue” or "mosque tomorrow, but afterwards do you want to meet up for a game together and we’ll having something to eat later?