Looking to make a will. Anybody have any suggestions? Are online ones any good or do I need a proper lawyer? Things to look out for?

  • Affaires de PiassesM
    2 years ago

    While I strongly think this is a good advice, I’d still advise to cross-reference whatever OP’s lawyer tells them : with my wife, we did our wills a few years ago with a professional (actually, a public notary in Quebec, but they are supposed to be the knowledgeable ones here) and some things we were told were incorrect, while they missed a few important informations.

    Many good questions were raised, so it has been a good basis that we’ve updated by ourselves in the mean time, knowing that even if our latest wills weren’t found, these could still be used satisfactorily, as these are officially registered.

    We’ll probably update them again with a notary in a few years, or if there is any important life event in the mean time.