And then Google built Chrome, and Chrome used Webkit, and it was like Safari, and wanted pages built for Safari, and so pretended to be Safari. And thus Chrome used WebKit, and pretended to be Safari, and WebKit pretended to be KHTML, and KHTML pretended to be Gecko, and all browsers pretended to be Mozilla, and Chrome called itself Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/525.13, and the user agent string was a complete mess, and near useless, and everyone pretended to be everyone else, and confusion abounded.
God I’m sorry man I read it a while back, just hadn’t thought about how stupid and useless they are now. I vaguely recall how it all got messed up and all the major browsers go intertwined, and it went back to Netscape and shit. I’ll try to find it, was a really great simple breakdown. Was left thinking how stupid and useless it was though.
Care to share?
Think I found it!!
Also here is a vaguely related but interesting article
This is gold. Thank you.
God I’m sorry man I read it a while back, just hadn’t thought about how stupid and useless they are now. I vaguely recall how it all got messed up and all the major browsers go intertwined, and it went back to Netscape and shit. I’ll try to find it, was a really great simple breakdown. Was left thinking how stupid and useless it was though.