I just found this community today and figured I’d kick off some discussion about what people are playing!

As for me, I’m running a cosmic horror campaign with some homebrew insanity rules. The players are stuck in an area with multidimensional beings, and a murderer who’s killing those trying to help the players escape.

  • bionicjoey
    1 year ago

    I’m currently just running the Beginner Box since my group is new to 2e. But we are gearing up to play the Abomination Vaults AP afterward.

    I am porting the AP into my own homebrew world that I used when I was a 5e DM. I have to modify certain elements of the AP to better fit my setting. The biggest changes are going to be related to religions and certain races. My setting doesn’t really have beast races, and religion in my world is less absolute. I use the same religion thing as Eberron, where religions are not able to prove their veracity. There are divine spellcasters and magic, but they can’t really prove that their “god(s)” are real.