I would LOVE to see election signs banned from public spaces.

  • Showroom7561OP
    2 years ago

    removing the right to put signs on public spaces restricts political expression

    You keep saying that, but it is incumbent upon municipalities to establish bylaws regarding electoral signage regulations, in addition to the provisions of the Canada Elections Act, which encompass the content of signs, their location, and the duration for which they may be displayed.

    As it stands, quite a few rules have not been followed: Signs have been put in areas that are a danger to the public. Signs have not been removed when they are supposed to. Damaged signed aren’t being fixed. And the city has been forced to remove unclaimed signs at taxpayer’s expense.

    All that’s being proposed is that current rules be strengthened and that existing rules be enforced. The additional stipulation about signs not being allowed on public property has already been introduced in other municipalities throughout Ontario without any issues. There haven’t been any court cases, as far as I know, which have ruled that these bylaws are infringing on any rights of political expression. Have you come across any that can be shared? I’d be happy to side with your argument, if these rules are found to be in violation on any rights.

    So, if candidates have *already *been given leeway to put their signs on public property, and have failed to follow rules for many years already, what do you suggest should happen? Again, the city will ask for public feedback, so you are more than welcome to give them your proposals.

    But I think that if it’s worked elsewhere, and the current system has not been working for us here, we should make the proposed changes.