I’d love to take it out for a spin, but derpy.email has closed registrations.

  • @[email protected]
    43 years ago

    The reason lemmy has a hardcoded slur filter is because almost all the reddit alternatives end up as alt-right cesspools. The hardcoded slur filter is to make it less appealing to those people… It does cause some issues in other languages and the lemmy devs know and are working on fixing that.

    • @[email protected]OP
      3 years ago

      Heh well if you think blocking a small list of words will keep people from saying alt-right things, I can’t help ya, buddy.

      If you want to prune extremism from a platform just moderate your spaces properly.

        • @[email protected]OP
          33 years ago

          Why should all instances by default be forced to ban the same words? That is just preposterous in my view and cannot possibly serve all users properly.

          Moderation should be up to the admins, not the code itself. Something is wrong if you cannot properly moderate your space, and you need a computer to do it for you. Either get more admins, or close registrations.

          • @[email protected]
            03 years ago

            This is barely anything at all though. It’s literally the bare minimum. Just don’t say r*tard or sl*t and you’ll be fine. and even if you DO say it you don’t get banned or kicked or muted. It just replaces the text with removed

            • @[email protected]OP
              13 years ago

              I don’t even plan on saying those words, I just think that the software should allow the blacklist feature to be configurable in the UI to easily allow for these two things to happen:

              1. Instances who don’t want censorship can easily disable the blacklist
              2. Instances that want stronger censorship can easily add more words to the blacklist

              Another use here mentioned that you can change the settings in the source code, which is a good start. Not sure how that’s better than just using Lenny tho.

              • @[email protected]
                13 years ago

                bruh this is not censorship though. It’s moderation. It’s just saying hey don’t use these particular slurs. They aren’t saying you’re not allowed to discuss mentally disabled or neurodiverse people and their struggles, they aren’t saying you can’t discuss sex work and the entire discussion around that, and they aren’t saying you can’t discuss history of slavery, abuse and more of black people in america. They are just saying don’t use the words or if you do need or want to use them put an asterisk or something.

                • @[email protected]OP
                  -13 years ago

                  this is not censorship though. It’s moderation.

                  Okay well lmk when you find internet censorship void of moderation

                  It’s just saying hey don’t use these particular slurs…They are just saying don’t use the words or if you do need or want to use them put an asterisk or something.

                  There’s nothing wrong with that, on an instance level, but there needs to be an option where people can say whatever they want, so long as it’s legal.

                  I’m envisioning this new FOSS social media frontier that is the Fediverse more as a platform for all, and less of a fanclub centered around specific ideologies.

                  • @[email protected]
                    13 years ago

                    If you want the ability to say slurs then go find another project. There’s plenty to choose from. Want the to federate? Well unfortunately sites that go by the rules you like always get immediately unfederated by everyone because they have garbage communities that nobody wants to have interacting with them. (see: gab) The idea of unequivocal free speech on the internet may sound like a good idea to some people. but in the end it always leads to the same kind of community.

      • @[email protected]
        03 years ago

        Heh well if you think blocking a small list of words will keep people from saying alt-right things

        It won’t, that’s why there are human moderators. It does do a decent job at deterring these sorts of people from participating at all, which I consider a net good.