Mass Effect, Star Trek, similar stuff, without the giant franchise money machine. To consume like popcorn.

One of my favourites is Spiral Wars by Joel Sheppard.

  • TroyOPM
    11 months ago

    Good suggestions. I’ve read the first three in your list. Liked Old Man’s War, was neutral on Expeditionary Forces (but still read like ten books so…), and didn’t like Lost Fleet.

    Haven’t read the latter two series though, so good suggestions! Got a short synopsis for either of them?

    • harmless64
      11 months ago

      Terran Republic series is about Earth fianlly meeting some alien races after it had expanded to a handful of planets. There is lots of politics and maneuvering among the races and earth is kind of caught in that. A secret org on Earth tries to guide earth through all the mess and the protagonist is recruited into this org.

      Icarus hunt is about a pair with an old spaceship (Icarus) being hired to take some cargo to a different planet. However, major corps and races start looking for their ship trying to get hands on the cargo.