On PS5… If I walk too close to them, I’m stuck in a attack targeting system that I cannot get out of. Sometimes I can switch party members to fix it, but if the entire party is close enough- everyone is stuck. I’ve had to reload saves because I cannot get out of this.

The game wants me to attack the barrels and won’t let me not do it.

  • ono
    2 years ago

    But we are talking about a game here, and an UI function that may cause both amusement and a learning effect.

    User interface is a tool for expressing intent. If you think it’s amusing to willfully misinterpret someone’s intent in order to create “HAHA! TRICKED YOU!” moments, then I hope I never have to use a UI that you design.

    (Unless perhaps it’s a reaction-test game, which this is not.)

    mindlessly looting every clickable object

    That’s a heck of a straw man. Especially when OP has specifically indicated that it’s not mindless, by virtue of trying to cancel it.

    So you have been told very early that your actions may cause negative consequences too.

    Consequence for an action you deliberately choose is one thing. Consequence for a bad tool’s adversarial behavior is quite another.

    • espiritu_p@kbin.social
      2 years ago

      Let’s agree upon that I answer only to this:

      User interface is a tool for expressing intent.

      Let’s first describe how it is on PC where I play the game: If I hover over an object, the mouse curser changes it’s shape into the symbol of the action I will do. On ordinary barrels it is an open chest for looking inside. On barrels with oil, water or explosives it’s the sword which is the gaming world- wide understood symbol for attack. I know it from several RTS games too. And if the symbol is highlighted in red it indicates that bystanding NPCs will disapprove your actions.
      So the UI does express what you will do. If you watch carefull enough. If the curser is too small for you to see it, there is for sure a setting somewhere to enlarge the cursor. Or maybe a mod.

      My impression is that you biggest problem here is to understand that those objects are no containers. So there is no option to look inside.

      It’s not an UI issue but a handling issue.

      since dragging into inventory may fail due to overload issues this can’t be default action neither.
      And under certain circumstances you may want to destroy a barrel. To spread oil or water in preparation for a battle.

      • ono
        2 years ago

        My impression is that you biggest problem here is to understand that those objects are no containers.

        Then you are mistaken.

        It’s not an UI issue but a handling issue.

        I find “you’re holding it wrong” arguments tedious.


        • espiritu_p@kbin.social
          2 years ago

          Bye bye then.

          It was nice at long as it lasted.

          Which games did you play before that you have such an issue with the barrels?