Currently I manage my passwords in an archaic but secure way, which is simply to synchronize a directory where I have my Keepass database between my devices, and I say archaic but secure because even if my Nextcloud server hosted on a VPS explode (where I have the database stored) I still have the databases stored locally, so I don’t lose anything.

I am currently interested in self hosting Vaultwarden although my biggest drawback is the fact that if my VPS were to fail for example I would not be able to access my database and if I lose access to the database I lose access to all my passwords. a pretty bad scenario.

So I have a question, what can I do to prevent that from happening? Apart from hosting everything on my own hardware of course, for now I prefer to use VPS for different reasons.

  • investorsexchange
    10 months ago

    I used to use your strategy. It works fine. But since I migrated to Nextcloud on a VPS, I use the next cloud password manager. It keeps a copy of the database stored on my device.

      10 months ago

      Same! The desktop client is not half as good as Bitwarden though, but since they decided to discriminate and sack a worker for his religious belief I am happy to change to NC passwords!