Square-Enix recently released a trailer for the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster collection. You can see the teaser here, which shows absolutely nothing whatsoever.

Thing is, this isn’t the first time Square-Enix attempted a Final Fantasy remake and, well… This is how it turned out the last time they did this:

  • Final Fantasy III and IV remakes: most ports are based off the Android versions. They don’t look pretty.
  • Final Fantasy V: Somehow looks worse than the original and FF5 didn’t exactly push SNES’s limits. An article on Gamasutra breaks down the questionable change in aesthetics bery well. Again, most ports are based off the Android version.
  • Final Fantasy VI: Same artstyle as FF5 remake. Which is to say, bad. Another GS article for those interested. And yes, once again, this was an Android port.
  • BONUS Chrono Trigger remake: To their credit, the Chrono Trigger remake (for Steam at least) actually looks decent now. It didn’t look that way at launch, though. Explained more in-depth here.

Needless to say, I have some considerable reservations about the Pixel Remaster collection. The fact that they didn’t even show what it’s going to look like in the trailer doesn’t exactly inspire confidence, either.

You will also notice that at the very end, the only platforms mentioned are Android, iOS and PC, which all but guarantees yet another lazy Android port for PC.

What are your thought on Square-Enix and the way they’ve handled the Final Fantasy IP in the past 10 years?

  • @[email protected]
    23 years ago

    Not concerned at all. I won’t pick them up unless they do something really compelling with the new ports. I don’t see that happening at all, though, given their previous track record.

    • @[email protected]OP
      23 years ago

      Right? That said, I wouldn’t mind the first six games getting the 2D-HD treatment, like the one Dragon Quest III is getting.