hey everyone! I’m back after taking some time off from certain things. before I start losing my mind from not having anything to do, I decided that I’m going to start being more “involved” in the online world. even if It’ll take away some of my privacy a bit, also because I want to practice being less paranoid, I’m sure some of you know how this feels very well. and so far there’s no clear answer to how you could become truly invisible. by the way, I now finally have my own fediverse social media account and my own website. there’s no such thing as ‘blogger’ type fediverse platform so I chose something else for now.

moreover, here’s the actual reason I came back online; can anyone tell me how I can make my own hosted vpn?

  • @[email protected]OP
    13 years ago

    thanks. so pretty much I can’t just like use certain programs with wireguard then. maybe I’ll use this as an alternative though this is pretty complicated for certain apps like matrix. I’ll just use up and down switch for now.